Friday, February 18, 2011

Drumroll please!

Well, the results are in! We had a great ultrasound, and we know the gender now!

First off, the ultrasound went great. We had a great tech, and she agreed right away to write the gender down instead of telling us right there. Peanut was squirming around like crazy in there, especially when that "What is Love?" song came on the radio. I guess Peanut loves 90s dance tunes. It truly is our baby...

We also found out that the placenta is in the front of my tummy, which explains why I haven't really been feeling any kicks or movements from the baby yet. I had suspected, but it's nice to have the peace of mind to know that there is a reason. Also, with the amount of dance moves going on in there, maybe I am lucky I don't feel anything yet and I can catch up on some sleep while I can...

So, we held back and put the paper in an envelope and headed out to the Greek restaurant where we had our rehearsal dinner for our wedding with my Mom and Dad. Dinner was usual! We opened up the envelope and...

SURPRISE!!! Peanut is a BOY!

So looks like I will officially be outnumbered in our house now. 2 Oilers fan to 1 Flames fan. Although we haven't figured out Kitty's hockey allegiance yet. Maybe we need some sort of loyalty test for her, and then maybe the odds will be even.


  1. So excited for you both. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Taylor!! It's pretty exciting, and a little bit scary. :)


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