At 7 months Peanut:
~ is about 29 inches long
~Can now put himself to sleep! Woo hoo!
~ His favourite thing is brushing his teeth. And he has a lot of 'em! 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom!
~ Favourite word is still "bababa" but when upset it's "mamama"
~ Favourite food is oat cereal and avocados. Not really a fan of carrots or asparagus.
~Puts absolutely everything he can get his hands on in his mouth
~Is obsessed with remote controls/cell phones/other pieces of unsafe and/or expensive technology.
~Spends a lot of time on his tummy and can turn around in a circle to grab what he wants. Not yet getting up on his knees though, so no crawling. And he can't move forward or back at all.
~Spends a lot of time on his tummy and can turn around in a circle to grab what he wants. Not yet getting up on his knees though, so no crawling. And he can't move forward or back at all.