~ is about 32.2 inches long
~Is hard to keep up with...walking and running all over the place!
~Has started to say a few words, finally. He calls both me and Hubby "Mom" much to Hubby's dismay. Other words: one, Ernie, moon, Elmo, murmel murmel (from the Robert Munsch book!) and up. Very strange to see which words are important to him! And they aren't all that clear yet (beyond up and Mom)
~Eats like a champ, but it depends on his mood. He is very adept at using his fork and spoon, and drinks out of a cup now. But we still use the straw to minimize spillage when he's on the move.
~ Still gets into EVERYTHING.
~ Loves bath time, and chasing Kitty. But now that he can run, Kitty is much more alert!
~ LOVES music. He plays his ukelele, his drum set and our piano. He dances up a storm and "sings" along. He loves it when Hubby plays the guitar or when I play the piano.